In the 21st century , day by day impossible things are being quite easy and possible due to
some wonderful research and investigation
on the field of science.The
future seems to be great interesting and wonderful. Many scientist are busy on their projects that can change the
world , that can make human life easier
, that can clear the origin of universe , that can open many secrets that are
hidden on universe.
them Dr.
Michio Kaku is an American theoretical physicist, the Henry Semat Professor of
Theoretical Physics in the City College of New York of City University of New
York, a futurist, and a "communicator" and "popularizer" of
science.. He has
written two New York Times best sellers, Physics of the Impossible
(2008) and Physics of the Future (2011)
Here I am going to discuss about the book Physics of impossible by Kaku. In this book he describe about Force Fields, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel, Invisibility,, in the topics Invisibility there is a interesting discussion on why the speed of light is slower in water than a vacuum, that electromagnetism is similar to ripples in a pond, and Kaku discusses newly-developed composite materials. And on next topics Star Trek "phasers" becomes a lesson on how lasers work and how laser-based research is conducted.
In his Book he have
classified Types of impossibilities
Class I impossibilities: in his words Class I Impossibilities are
"technologies that are impossible today, but that do not violate the known
laws of physics. A future technology that may be seen within a lifetime is a
new advanced stealth technology that is class I impossibilities.
Class II impossibilities: Class II
Impossibilities are “technologies that sit at the very edge of our
understanding of the physical world," possibly taking thousands or
millions of years to become available. Like Time Travel
Class III impossibilities: Class II
Impossibilities are “technologies that sit at the very edge of our
understanding of the physical world," possibly taking thousands or
millions of years to become available. Kaku writes about only two of these, perpetual
motion machines and precognition. Development of these technologies would
represent a fundamental shift in human understanding of physics
Here are some videos of Kaku . In these video documentary he tells and describes
what will be the changes on Human life and universe due to science.
Physics of impossible
Physics of impossible
Physics of impossible how to built a force field
Physics of impossible how to built a force field
Physics of impossible : How to travel through time
Physics of impossible : How to travel through time
World in 2030" by Dr. Michio Kaku
World in 2030" by Dr. Michio Kaku
Michio Kaku: Biotech Revolution (BBC Documentary)
Biotech Revolution (BBC Documentary)
specializing in string field therory
specializing in string field therory
For further
information about him you can visit his personal website Kaku